Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tea For Two

last month after my success with my own breast, i decided to try a different subject.

i have to say i'm quite impressed with this one. i could still improve on my backgrounds a bit, but it's getting better.

i found that my biggest downfall was impatience. I need to let the paint dry between coats or else it turns into a bleedy mess. boourns. So after figuring that one out, i brought in my hair dryer and we were in business!!

"tea for two" watercolour and ink 5"x7"

a gift for Teeni


Melsie14 said...

I love this one!! It is absolutely adorable!! It reminds me of the one of Meegan.

Leave it to you to find another use for a blow dryer!! And to help you get over that waiting time!! lol

Anonymous said...

Awww - this is so neat to get a glimpse of your workspace and how you created my little masterpiece! Sorry that it gave you a hard time drying but I'm not surprised at how creative you were with the hairdryer! LOL. Going to check out your writing now! :)